

In 1972 there was a public sale of the estate Korče, where Janez Turk, the great-grandfather of Izidor Zelenc, purchased the house, in which had been run a inn before. He moved in with his family and opened the inn Turk just a year later.

Leta 1935 so v bližini Hotedršice našli kamnito sekiro, ki jo hrani Narodni muzej v Ljubljani.

Ob cesti Hotedršica – Kalce so arheologi v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja odkrili ostanke rimske naselbine.

Županija Hotedršica (Supp Kathederlitz) je že omenjena v urbarjih vicedomskega urada za deželnoknežjo posest na Kranjskem iz let 1496, 1515 in 1527.

29. oktobra 1506 je tržaški škof Peter posvetil oltar na desni strani cerkve sv. Janeza Krstnika in pokopališče.

V Slavi vojvodine Kranjske, v osmi knjigi, Janez Vajkard Valvasor opisuje cerkev sv. Janeza Krstnika v Hotedršici.

Hotedršica je bila zaledni kraj soške fronte. V tem času je skozi vas vodila železnica za transport tovora na bojišče. V vasi je bila deponija vagonov, postaja za točenje vode in vojaška bolnišnica.

Historical facts worth knowing

  In 1935 a stone axe was found near Hotedršica. Today it is inside the National Museum in Ljubljana.

  Along the street Hotedršica – Kalce archeologists discovered rests of a Roman settlement in the 1990ies.

  The administrative area Hotedršica was mentioned as Supp Kathederlitz in the urbarium of the administrative authority for sovereign property ownership in Kranj in times of the German custodians „Vicedominus“. This was already in the years 1496, 1515 and 1527.

  On the 29th of October in 1506 bishop Peter of Trieste consecrated the right-side altar of the church of St. Janez Krstnik and its cemetery.

  In the eighth book of his work „Glory of the Duchy of Carniola“ Janez Vajkard Valvasor describes the church of St. Janez Krstnik in Hotedršica.

  Hotedršica was the hinterland to the Battles of the Isonzo. In those days a railway passed through the village, which brought supplies to the military front line. In the village itself were a depot of the wagons, a water station and a military hospital.

  In the Interwar period Hotedršica was a border town. In the village there were five inns, four stores and a butcher’s shop. Very flourishing at that time was also the trade with contraband.

Jožef Plečnik in Hoedrščica

V Hotedršici se je leta 1835 rodil Andrej Plečnik, oče arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika. Tu se je izšolal za mizarja in tudi po odhodu ohranil stike s hotenjskimi sorodniki.

Tudi arhitekt Jože Plečnik je večkrat prihajal v Hotedršico. Obiskoval je svojega daljnega bratranca, mizarja Ivana Plečnika, in v njegovi delavnici naročal izdelavo pohištva, tudi zahtevnejšega z intarzijami.

Leta 1935 so po Plečnikovih načrtih v Hotedršici uredili prostor okoli cerkve in župnišča. Del načrta, vhod na pokopališče, pa je ostal nerealiziran. Vhodni stebri so zdaj vdelani v duhovniški grob.

Po mnenju nekaterih naj bi bil Jože Plečnik tudi avtor celotne ureditve prostora med cerkvijo, šolo in potokom, od katerega pa je danes ohranjen le del mostu in kip Janeza Nepomuka.

Leta 1935 so po Plečnikovih načrtih v Hotedršici uredili prostor okoli cerkve in župnišča. Del načrta, vhod na pokopališče, pa je ostal nerealiziran. Vhodni stebri so zdaj vdelani v duhovniški grob.
